Monday, November 26, 2007

My World

Where-ever we are ....
And whatever we do...

I'm always so happy....
Just being with you...

And that's why I wecome
A day like today ...

It's one more occation...
to lovingly say -

"You Mean The World To Me"

Monday, October 08, 2007


I'll be posting soon.... I swear... don't go away... I'm collecting my thoughts :P

Saturday, September 08, 2007

My Happy Ending...

Where are the flowers ?!
All I see are tears...
It wasn't supposed to be so...
Why must you go... ?!

You did so much for me...
We were meant to be together...
But now... Sacrifice... It's a part of life...
So much for a happy ending...

Fate is against me, time is my Nemesis...
I am hated by those above...
For all the wrong reasons...
You're not here with me...

It hurts me when it hurts you...
I feel your pain when you talk to me...
I hear the screams when you wave to me...
I see the tears when you look at me...

Why does it have to be me ?!
Alone... against unbeatable odds...
My sins.. I have defied the gods...
burnt and ripped and torn apart....

We were supposed to be together...
But everything seems to be getting in the way...
And all this time you were pretending...
So much for my happy ending...

*Disclaimer: Heavily influenced by Avril's "Happy Ending" and Chocolate...

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Screaming Whispers

We were Strangers on a Crazy Adventure
I respected what you did to my heart
But now here we stand, miles apart
What ever happened to us...

This isn't the way it should be
It hurts me a lot, can't you see
I know I'm the one who said to all
But it still hurts, I wish you would call

I'll be there when the world stops turning...
I'll be there to see it through
In the end I wanna be with you... Everyday
Forever and ever...

So don't forget me ever...
I'll be back for you...
I swear... you'll never be alone...
Good bye... I miss you so...

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Lips of an Angel Part II: Sorrow

He nestled between the covers she had brought him. He looked up into the sky once more, having the familiar feeling that someone was watching. For the first time in a while, he felt truly safe. She had come and handed him sheets before, talking about herself but never waiting for a response. He liked her. She was cheerful and had a lot to talk about. He'd learnt that her mother had died when she was young, and her father took care of her now. He was not very kind to her. He made her work all day long and never appreciated her. He knew her father was one person he'd rather avoid. He shuddered at the thought of what might happen to her if her father found out he was here. He heard something in the darkness and looked outside. It was pitch dark already and the moon beams were casting strange shadows upon the trees surrounding the inn. He thought he saw something move and shuddered and pulled the covers over his face. "What's the matter ?", she asked. "Are you afraid of the dark too ?". He looked out from under the covers and gave her a small nod, saying Yes. "Well, don't worry, I'm sleeping in the next room and besides, I'll leave this kerosene lamp here but just make sure you don't let the sheets catch fire", she remarked with a grin. He said nothing and once again pulled the covers back over his face. She sighed and left the room, closing the door behind her.

He woke up early next morning to see the sun shining brightly upon his face. He got up to re-orient himself with his surroundings and walked up to the small pitcher kept in the corner. Washing his face and taking a large gulp of the fresh water, he set about washing the blood stains from his hands. He opened the door and walked down the stairs up to where the strewn bodies of the girl and her father lay. 'Foolish girl', he thought to himself, picked up the bag of coins in the inn keeper's belt pouch and open the front door.

One did not entertain the Devil himself into one's house without suffering the consequences.


Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Lips of an Angel Part I: The Beginning

Once upon a time... in a far away land, where the sun never shined and the nights were always bitterly cold, there lived a boy named Joshen... The people of this land were feed up with their miseries and prayed to god to save them... they prayed night and day and finally, after long last, the almighty stood before them in all his brilliance. "What is it you wish ? Speak", he said in a loud voice. "We all wish for eternal happiness", replied one stout hearted person. "So be it", said the god and vanished. The people were elated. They felt uncontainable happiness burst out from their hearts. They were all happy.

Joshen sat on the floor and held his head in his arms. He was lonely... and sad, for he was not present when all the other people received their happiness from the lord. The people bounded past him, some hopping, others skipping... but none took a second look at poor Joshen. He was all alone. He felt darkness coming and welcomed it willingly.

He dreamt about a rose, budding and blooming to its full glory before withering and dying. "Wake up! Why are you sad ?", he heard a voice say in his dreams. He slowly opened his eyes and saw standing before him, a girl of extraordinary beauty. She was smiling at him sweetly. "Why are you so sad ?", she repeated. Joshen gave a start and jumped up to his feet as if he were being stung by a summer's bee. Startled, the girl backed away, looking at Joshen warily. She seem to be deciding something, for a moment later, she tentatively crept back towards him. "Don't cry", she said in a low whisper, "It'll be ok", she promised. Joshen realised he must have cried himself to sleep again and hastily wiped away the remnants of yesterday nights tears. "Here, come with me", said the girl, holding out her hand. Joshen looked at her hand and then back at his own dirty ones. She grabbed his hand and started to pull him towards the local inn. "My father's the inn keeper. I'm sure he'll have something for you to eat". Joshen, on hearing this violently shook his head and started to tug against the girl's hand. The inn keeper didn't like him very much. She puled harder, indicating towards the inn. With a resigned sigh of defeat, Joshen stood up and cautiously made his way along the narrow, winding path.

The girl quietly entered through the back door, eased the bolt and motioned Joshen to follow her cautiously. She led him up the stairs, into the attic, to a small bed beside a window that overlooked the yard. "You must be hungry, stay here, I'll get something to eat". Before he could say a word, the kind girl was gone. He looked around at the interesting attic and slowly lowered himself onto the old moth-worn bed. Outside the window, he could see the stars twinkling merrily at him, as if they were sharing a joke at his suspense. He shook his head, trying to clear it. She waked back inside and sat beside him quietly. He recognised her more from her perfume than her physical presence. She smelled like dew in spring. "Here, have some bread". she offered. He gratefully took one piece and began to chew on it. "You haven't told me anything about yourself. My name is Carol . What's yours ?!". He looked up and sighed. She stared at him, and looked away "Ok, its upto you. I won't force you to if you don't want to". He sighed and continued to eat the bread. "I'll be right back", she said and got up to leave. 'Wait', he pleaded in his mind, grabbing her arm, 'I'm sorry...', he tried to tell her. She looked at him for a moment. "Thats ok", she smiled and left the room.

Saturday, August 18, 2007


She's Contagious... She's Rebellious
She's the one... the one they all talk about...

From the Darkness she came one day
Sent from heaven... just to make me pay...

Clocked in a shadow... an aura of mystery
And I said "hi", the rest was history...

The gods above... they smiled in glee...
finally Lucifer's trapped... now let's see...

And thus, she christened him "jb"... his fate, sealed
It is such that he shall never be healed...

Forever... alone in a crowd...
Remembered...Yet never to be found...

For the last time... please
Don't leave me...

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Shopping Maul

"Hey, dude, Put it there. Gimme a five man. By the looks of you I can see you're a mall brat, just like me". These days everyone seems to be a mall brat. Everyone, that is, who's between 12 and 24. That's IQ, not years. Mall brats spend the whole day hanging around shopping malls... doing what... ?! Why... like d-uh..."Window Shopping of course"... which is such a "pane" *pun un-intended* for all those poor, misbegotten shopkeepers... I'm not complaining... *not yet at least*.. but shouldn't there be something for the shopkeeper to look forward to after pulling out every single frigging box or dress in the store... other than having to stack it up again ?! And we complain about poor service... lol... Imagine having to make a mess... AND cleaning it up after you... now that sucks... big time... No sane man would want to do it over and over again... reminds me of something I read once... "Cleaning the house while the kids are growing is like shoveling snow while its still snowing"... more like stacking boxes after the mall-brats wreck havoc is like facing an avalanche with a toothpick ~.~ ... anyway... guess I'll leave that issue for you to think about... and oh.. I'm dead sure that you most certainly will... cause there's a mall brat in all of us just waiting to come out... the day this happens, all hell will break lose... literally.. Its been eons since I last posted... *not that anybody cares T.T * ... I decided to scrap the death note idea... due to uh... popular "resentment"... I won't be able to post too often anymore... so leave your comments...

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Trust in My Command...

Hi all you beautiful people out there... its been some time hasn't it ?! My exams prevented me from posting over the last few days... Today I thought I'd post something on "Trust"... a mysterious phenomenon ?! Trust is exceptionally hard to describe... even tho most of us would claim to know what it is... a few of us can really talk about it... for humans, trust is something that is inversely related to time... from the dawn of time, humans used to "trust" each other... looking out for their kind and all... as time went on, trust slowly stopped featuring in our genes and it was almost like a hereditary abnormality to be trusting... today those who trust are happily taken for a ride or are said to be extremely gullible... or looking at it from the pessimistic point of view, trusting people are said to be "up to something"... why has this steady deterioration been noticed thru history of a quality so desirable and sensible... imagine the world of today with trust... a world where you need not worry about WMDs being fired at you in your every waking moment... a world where you're not afraid to sleep, dreading whether that would be the last time you ever saw the world... a world where you could trust somebody to behave in a certain way.... trust... something that is not easily achievable I know... but at least to some extent, if we could really put our heart into in and learn to trust those whom we love more than ourselves in this world... that would be saying something... Love actually is trusting another with your very own life... trust is something the world we live in needs desperately... for "Trust brings forth love and it is indeed love that makes the world go 'round"... trust me... I'm serious... and lovable :D lol... getting back to where I was... "It is by far a better thing to do... trusting someone, than trusting yourself... for if you let yourself down... it pains a thousand times more... and you are ever more so, reluctant to rise again and try again..." Trust each other.. its the only way we'll see this thru people... I'll be back with more, later... till then, TRUST...

Thursday, July 26, 2007

My God... My Tourniquet...

Sometimes it seems that life is just not worth living *because of some people* while at other times I treasure life *because of some others*... Unable to vent any frustration over the last few days, I've come up with a plan... to devise a "Death Note" in which I enter the name *maybe not names... just a description would suffice...* of the person I want to knock off... don't worry... its not real... just another blog where the people who annoy me will feature...

"Disclaimer: Any similarity to a person or event is purely intentional and on purpose. If in the event of the actual demise of a chosen person or persons, the writer will be in no way held responsible"
Well... I'm glad that's out of the way... now all I need to decide is if I really will put this plan into action... it is not meant to hurt or insult anyone... just one other of of the 44,636 million ways to vent out some frustration... Anyway... putting that aside... its been a long time since I last posted... I've been insanely busy... all my teachers are out to screw me... with the amount of work load I have, I should be finished by 30th of July... 2010 :( damn... I'm never going to be able to finish... and sitting here is definitely not helping... the only bright side is this helps me decide who gets top placement in my proposed death note *conscience still battling it out...* And to add to my miseries, our culturals are around the corner *whoopee.... more work !!!* anyway, you get the idea... so I guess I should get going now... start working on all that "paper work" :P ... as Mark Day would say... Catch you next time... Cheers !!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Lucifer the Preacher ?!

Notice... in the last few posts I've been giving a lotta advise... I've decided to lay off for a while... *cheering in the background* ... Am defo not a preacher people... its just... well... forget about it... I've taken up a new motto in life *another one ?!* "Live and let live"... go ahead, do what you want to... lie, steal, cheat or kill... hey, its your life and its for you to live right ?! *I make it sound really bad don't I ?!* There is a time when we break all ties... when in the face of danger, we betray our own friends and comrades and flee as animals... much unfortunately, that day seems to have arrived... *yes!, I ripped that out of LOTR... so sue me* As much as I would like to go on about the weak will of men and the waning of our spirits, my conscience has been kind enough as to point out that I resolved to stop "preaching"... If even the most basic nature that defines us humans need to be taught, then we are lost... we are no better off than beasts... *it isn't philosophy...I'm sooooooooooooo not-philosophical* I am officially high... so if you find this post a l'le insulting... well... you're darn right... it is... a lot more than just insulting, that it is... Argh !!! Why can't I let it all go... I give up... we're all beyond hope anyway... we're born like this and we die like this... words like friendship, love and trust are just "words"... *what else would they be ?! ~.^ * I swear... I'm going to stop now... I don't seem to be able to get by while following my reso... and so before any more of you think I'm a complete deliquient, I'll leave... May peace be with you *so much for THAT resolution...*

Freedoms' just another word for nothing left to lose...

Freedom... our favourite 7 letter 'F' word... right ?! ... Wrong... do any of you know what freedom really means ?! "The condition of being free of restraints." Restraints... now we're getting somewhere... are we really free ?! Do we actually get to decide what we want to do... you would feel that this indeed is true... You aren't exactly "restrained" in any way... just "curbed" *same difference right ?!* When is a person really "free" in the manner of speech ?! Well... that would be when he is exempted from all his responsibilities and when he has no requirements that need to be met... most people consider financial freedom true freedom... does that mean a rich man or woman is truly "free" from all of his or her responsibilities ?! No way... if you look at it from the rich dude's point of view, he has countless number of worries... Savings, investments, shares, what and what-not... would this imply that the opposite is true ?! Would this mean that a poor man has the absolute and much sought-after freedom ?! Uh-huh... sure... he would be free... if only he didn't have to worry about where his next square meal were going to come from... *lol... looks like no body's free* so... who's free ?! You or me ?! Well... what I figured is that one who can make his own choices without being influenced by the choices of others is a truly free man... he who doesn't give a damn about what others feel is considered a bast*rd, not to mention barbarious... those who give more than a damn are gullible and manipulable... so, where do you stand !? Do you think you can make a decision without worrying about the conclusions of the person sitting next to you or would you prefer being a puppet who moves the way the puppeteer wants him to... Its up to you... you have the "freedom" to choose ;)

Monday, July 23, 2007

Friendship ?! Yeah right...

Ok... I'm officially pissed... what's all this best-friend crap going around ?! One day we're inseparable and the next we're like oil and water... I mean... people c'mon... it can't be like this... Is that all its worth... one day we go out together and the next we're cold and cynical to each other ?! What ever happened to the milk of friendship ?! The joy of love ?! Compassion and sensitivity seem to be of the bygone eras... Its officially time to review your friendship status... You share the best times of your life with your friends... life's too damn short to hold grudges... forgive and forget *not your friend btw... ~.~" * learn to make compromise... if we as friends can't make compromises then who the f*ck will make compromises for us when we go out into the world ?! A friend in need is a friend indeed... a friend who doesn't need you is still a friend btw... Give your friends their space... don't be over baring and commanding... don't show off... we're your friends... you can show us your bad side too you know... don't bit*h about us behind our backs... its not very nice... the key word in friendship is *drum roll* sensitivity... don't lose your close friends 'cause of some stupid argument that both of you can't recall... like I said before... life's too short... It is by far a better thing to gain a friend rather than to lose one
*like d-uh ...obviously* It's a small world after all... the more friends to help you get along, the better off you are... *hmmm... I'm being pretty high and mighty ain't I ?!* sorry.. I'm pretty sad at the way things are right now... there's no time left... you're obviously thinking of somebody at this time... go make up with that person right now... trust me... you'll appreciate this... Peace...

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Jesus Of Nazareth OR Jesus of the Carribean

Ever wondered how pirates came into being during the course of evolution ?! Renegade and fore'er drunk these Swashbucklin' Scurvy Scallywags are to stay, that they be... Arrr... Carved quiet a niche for themsel'es that they ha'e... If it be helpin', start of wi' that video me hearty... ye'll find that the rest be comin' much easier... Aye, that it would... Loaded to the Gunwales, we don' tolerate no Lily-livered landlubbers... Arrr... Bring out the Rum and sing with me Matey...If it be helpin', start yer sentence wi' a "Arr, me hearty," in a deep, throaty voice...

Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.

We pillage, we plunder, we rifle, and loot,

Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.

We kidnap and ravage and don't give a hoot,

Drink up me 'earties, yo ho.
Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.

We extort, we pilfer, we filch, and sack,

Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.

Maraud and embezzle, and even high-jack,

Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.

We kindle and char, inflame and ignite,

Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.

We burn up the city, we're really a fright,

Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
We're rascals, scoundrels, villans, and knaves,

Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.

We're devils and black sheep, really bad eggs,

Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.

We're beggars and blighters, ne'er-do-well cads,

Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.

Aye, but we're loved by our mommies and dads,

Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.

Arrr... Till we cross swords again Ladie... I'll be seeing you...

Short-cut to Stardumb ?!

Here I am... sitting joblessly in front of my comp and eating ice cream *mom would kill me if she knew* ... and I start to think... how do I get more people to read my posts ?! I mean... there is a reason I blog... and that's to get something across... open your eyes and peer into the mysteries of the world... what ever... so, getting back to what I was saying... every time I send somebody the address link... especially those who need to "infer" something from these posts of mine... I encounter a standard reply "Wtf is this ?" ... OMG.... look closely... what does it look like ?! Santa's bad list or maybe a birthday invitation ?! It's a friggin blog... and it would be much appreciated if you would actually read thru it and get the message... shit... :(( I just broke the glass door of my cupboard... damn... I'm so clumsy... *don't ask*... Am not even in a mood to continue posting... just finished clearing up the mess... well.. anyway... I guess this will be a short post... I didn't even get to the stardumb part but I guess that can't be helped... you'll never know what I was gonna say about it and this is gonna haunt you for the rest of your lives and you'll be turning in your graves thinking about what you'll never ever find out... Wtf is stardumb ???

What's a Lucifer ?!

Believe me... I've been asked this question loads of times... most of my intellectual buddies have been oft rendered speechless *a miracle* when it comes to my profile name and so, this post is to educate yourselves... first of all, lets talk about the angels...

Angel (Greek angelos,”messenger”), celestial being believed to be a messenger, or intermediary, between God, or the gods, and humankind. All religions are concerned with the relationship human beings have or may have with the supernatural realm. In ancient Greek religion, in Judaism and Christianity, and in Islam this relationship is thought to involve angels—divine messengers sent to humans to instruct, inform, or command them. An angel can function also as a protective guardian, as a heavenly warrior, and even as a cosmic power. Moreover, the line between a good angel and a bad angel, or demon, is sometimes unclear. Hence, angels can be broadly described as personified powers mediating between the divine and the human.
Archangel, an angel, or heavenly being, of higher rank than angels. In Jewish and Christian literature, the four best known are Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel. In Islam, it is believed that four archangels guard the throne of Allah. According to Christian tradition, archangels belong to the eighth of nine choirs of angels. Arranged according to their importance, in descending order, these choirs are seraphim, cherubim, thrones, dominations, virtues, powers, principalities, archangels, and angels.
Lucifer, (Latin for “light-bearer”), name for the planet Venus when it appears as the morning star; Vulgate translation of the Hebrew expression for “bright one.” The Hebrew prophet Isaiah used the term in a satirical allusion to the king of Babylon, describing the frustrated ambition of the morning star to rise higher than all the other stars:

“How art thou fallen from heaven,

O Lucifer, son of the morning”.

This passage evidently reflects an episode from a myth of Baal, known to scholars through Canaanite texts recovered at Ra’s Sham rah in Syria. In the New Testament, star imagery is applied to the figure of Christ... he is called “day star” (Greek phosphoros), and he is called “morning star.”
Contrary to popular belief, Satan and Lucifer are two separate fallen angels. Lucifer was a Great Archangel, Prince and anointed Cherub. Even after his fall he retained some of his power and ancient title.

For more info:

Whew... I'm glad that's out of the way... so, did you learn anything ?! k... what ever... I'll be back later to finish this... sayonara

Friday, July 20, 2007

Early Bird ??? Yeah right... dodo...

ola ! I'm back... missed me ?! *groans* Ok... ok... no need to be so obvious about it... today I had chemistry class... remember the class that I said I had to rush off to before ?! And guess what... after all that hurrying, speeding and jumping signals, I arrive much exhausted and breathless to an empty class :(( *no, I'm NOT a nerd...* It goes to show that people who actually have the time to come up with stuff like "The Early Bird catches the Worm..." should have their innards examined... either that or these people had the misfortune of coming "early" to class... and trust me... you don't know what coming early to class can do to a person... especially when his first few companions prefer to discuss their term grades... it is torture.... pure and unadultered... after much grumbling and delays, class finally commenced... *no prizes for guessing who was grumbling*... well in this case the early bird turns out to be a dodo... screw it... hey... today's the 20th and tomorrow the new HP book's coming out... but guess what suckers ?! I've already read the end... read it on the 19th...those of you who can stomach the spoilers, please read on... *and no, I'm not a potter fan... je deteste' Harry Potter*

> Harry is a horocrux... its true... no way around it...
> Dumbledore makes another appearence... at King's Cross !!!
> Voldemort doesn't even know about the Deathly Hallows...
> Harry is the "inheritor" of the Hallows *suprised gasps*...
> The Elder Wand and the Cloak are two of the 3 "artifacts"...
> Voldemort dies... Harry has kids... James, Lily and Albus *No suprise*
> Dudly is a Meat-ball with a soft side... *I'm mean... don't hate me... :(( *
> The first chapter's Name is the Dark Lord's Assension...
> Snape and Lily sitting on a tree... k i s s i n g ... its true...

That's it... I'm getting sick of this... anyway... I didn't edit this or anything... typed it right now... (20th)... scouts honor... so don't think I cheated... I had the links to the pages... don't ask me for it now... wait for another 24 hours... it won't kill you... and in the event any of these "predictions" (?) ... er... facts turn out to be a little off... well don't blame me... the pictures weren't the greatest... well... putting that aside... lets get back to my long awaited intro... well... if you've looked at my profile, you'll see that I'm not much of a writer... I prefer writing something decently good once in a while and using the "copy and paste" philosophy so if you visit my orkut profile, don't be surprised at the flippant plagiarism * I luv using these oh-so-big words...* It's 11:45 now and I'm pretty high so don't take what I say too seriously... Anyway... heard of a popular book called "The Series of Unfortunate Events" by L.Snicket ?! Just so you know... that's my biography... an authorised one at that... and no, I'm not being sarcastic or anything... My Life, if you can call it that, is an unfortunate event by itself... damn... its one pot-hole after the next, a constantly decreasing curve *no ups, just downs* ... there I go again... I love welling in self pity... its the only for of pity I get :( *sigh* ok... ok... I'll stop... this is getting too depressing, even for me... *topic changer... ahoy!* I like making videos... you can check out my work at ... that's my you tube ID... some of the videos are pretty good if I should say so myself... modest aren't I ?! You should check out the anime videos that I've put up... and please don't forget to rate... :D anyway, guess I'll be turning in pretty soon, so the Grande finale of the ... er ... "Intro" will have to be later... maybe tomorrow, if I can manage a post... As those jobless dodos say, "Only Time will Tell"...

A New Start...

Hi... I'm blogging after a really really looooong time... hmmm... I wonder why ?! lol... guess I'm just jobless AND I have friends who wouldn't let me live in peace if I didn't... Well actually, I'm pretty happy I'm blogging again... its a really easy way to vent of some frustration... but before I go on about that, I guess an intro is on the cards, so here goes... I'm your not-so-average 16 year old guy who like to ... well... I can't think of anything particular at the moment... it MIGHT be because I have a dumb physics assignment to submit... or rather one that I should've submitted today... but I bunked school !!! Yay ! I know... the thrill of bunking is like no other... especially on D-day... damn... I hate my stupid little brother... every friggin' time I use the comp he feels like chatting... and that too with the friends he just met at school... what a pain *waitaminute... didn't I say I wouldn't start bitching on day 1 ?!... well... that's just me I guess...* the idiot... lets forget about him... shall we ?! Anyway... I have class in fifteen minutes so I guess he'll derive his satisfaction... Well... getting back to my intro *sigh... my mind tends to wander a lot... even th its not old enough to do so...* I know... I know... My jokes are lame... Enter my friends... who think I have no better job than to conceive jokes that are at least decently funny... well sudd off... I'm not actually going to think here people... *as hard as that would be for me* and for those of you who don't know me... sorry for being so "un-explainatory"... you may be a tweeny-weeny l'le bit confused but hey! hang on... its gonna get better *laughing in the background* :-W thank you very much... hey... to all of those who DO happen to have the good-fortune of knowing me... consider yourselves lucky... I won't use too many names here *hopefully* well... anyway... would you look at the time ??? I gotta split... don worry... I'll be back... I hope... considering I'm going 60 on a bike that fails me at 40... wat evr... adios... will try to post once more today...