Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Freedoms' just another word for nothing left to lose...

Freedom... our favourite 7 letter 'F' word... right ?! ... Wrong... do any of you know what freedom really means ?! "The condition of being free of restraints." Restraints... now we're getting somewhere... are we really free ?! Do we actually get to decide what we want to do... you would feel that this indeed is true... You aren't exactly "restrained" in any way... just "curbed" *same difference right ?!* When is a person really "free" in the manner of speech ?! Well... that would be when he is exempted from all his responsibilities and when he has no requirements that need to be met... most people consider financial freedom true freedom... does that mean a rich man or woman is truly "free" from all of his or her responsibilities ?! No way... if you look at it from the rich dude's point of view, he has countless number of worries... Savings, investments, shares, what and what-not... would this imply that the opposite is true ?! Would this mean that a poor man has the absolute and much sought-after freedom ?! Uh-huh... sure... he would be free... if only he didn't have to worry about where his next square meal were going to come from... *lol... looks like no body's free* so... who's free ?! You or me ?! Well... what I figured is that one who can make his own choices without being influenced by the choices of others is a truly free man... he who doesn't give a damn about what others feel is considered a bast*rd, not to mention barbarious... those who give more than a damn are gullible and manipulable... so, where do you stand !? Do you think you can make a decision without worrying about the conclusions of the person sitting next to you or would you prefer being a puppet who moves the way the puppeteer wants him to... Its up to you... you have the "freedom" to choose ;)

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