Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Lucifer the Preacher ?!

Notice... in the last few posts I've been giving a lotta advise... I've decided to lay off for a while... *cheering in the background* ... Am defo not a preacher people... its just... well... forget about it... I've taken up a new motto in life *another one ?!* "Live and let live"... go ahead, do what you want to... lie, steal, cheat or kill... hey, its your life and its for you to live right ?! *I make it sound really bad don't I ?!* There is a time when we break all ties... when in the face of danger, we betray our own friends and comrades and flee as animals... much unfortunately, that day seems to have arrived... *yes!, I ripped that out of LOTR... so sue me* As much as I would like to go on about the weak will of men and the waning of our spirits, my conscience has been kind enough as to point out that I resolved to stop "preaching"... If even the most basic nature that defines us humans need to be taught, then we are lost... we are no better off than beasts... *it isn't philosophy...I'm sooooooooooooo not-philosophical* I am officially high... so if you find this post a l'le insulting... well... you're darn right... it is... a lot more than just insulting, that it is... Argh !!! Why can't I let it all go... I give up... we're all beyond hope anyway... we're born like this and we die like this... words like friendship, love and trust are just "words"... *what else would they be ?! ~.^ * I swear... I'm going to stop now... I don't seem to be able to get by while following my reso... and so before any more of you think I'm a complete deliquient, I'll leave... May peace be with you *so much for THAT resolution...*


Anonymous said...

You posted this... while you were high? o.0

All shock/confusion aside, I want to say that I find it ironic that your alias is Lucifer and you "preach." XD

P.S. The word philosophical makes me laugh.

Unknown said...

you philosophical philosopher :P