Friday, April 25, 2008

The Doppelganger Strikes Back !!!

Well.... its like this you see.... Here I was minding my own business walking to the book store to waste some precious time of mine *which I already have loads of* and suddenly, out of the blue, unexpectedly, implausibly.... *well... you get the picture* I see myself wearing the same pale lavender shite and khaki 3/4th that I was wearing yesterday staring at me from the entrance of this huge house.... 'Its just your imagination.', I said to myself. 'You're not going to die. Don't worry. There is no such thing as a Doppelganger'. While I was trying to knock this into my already information un-friendly skull, our man a.k.a me.... er no wait.... him as in me.... if that makes anymore sense... disappeared into... you guessed it... thick air !!! - pollution =) *well... that's what always happens before the "second closer look" doesn't it ?! *

Now, come back.... 10 days later....

Its like 7:30 in the night and I yet again find myself minding my own business, sitting in-front of the computer, NOT looking at the game my brother is playing on the X-Box.... when lo and behold *hold your breath* ... the power goes off.... now for those of you who have trouble imagining a power cut in Chennai, its like sitting inside an oven with the lights off..... 'Wait', you say, 'What's the difference if the lights are on or off in the oven ?' Ah... it makes all the difference... at least when the light is on... you can see what's cooking =P

Well anyway... this is the kinda situation I find myself in... when what I decide to do is, to climb up the terrace in my house. You'd think I would stop at that, enjoy a little non-existent sea breeze but no... uh-huh... not ME.... I had to go and climb up the tank too didn't I.... now the thing with the tank is that there isn't any parapet wall up there.... its a good 35 feet off the ground and its a sheer fall all the way down on two of the four sides.... I stand up there with my hands spread out finally realising why Leanardo De Caprio Enjoyed this so much in the Titanic.... well... anyway, I stand up there, sans Rose and enjoy the twinkling stars above my head and decide 'This is the Best !'. I sit down, and enjoy stretching out, and after a moment's hesitation on lying down with a white shirt, I decide a little stain isn't something my washing machine can't handle, and so I settle myself comfortably on the cold floor... I don't know exactly when... but after enjoying the view of all the stars above my head, *The Tare Zameen Par Song playing over and over in my head* the darkness takes me and I fall asleep.... only to be rudely awaken by none other then my own little brother. I blink twice, resisting the impulse to call him what was in my head at that time. I look around to see one of my hands sticking out at the end of the floor. Whew.... would that have been a painful "Getting up in the wrong side of the bed". On closer observation, I find my mother standing down there, wearing an expression of utmost anger and from the looks of it resisting the impulse to come up here herself and knock me off.... I learn from my oh-so-helpful and not to mention *cough* life-saving *cough* brother that its 9:30 already... Oh-Boy... is this going to be one LOOOONG night.... *sigh* Anyway, after much lashing and thrashing, I manage to somehow crawl away from my mother and her dreadful wrath. Fuming, but still thanking my narrow escape, I said to myself... you're gonna have to try harder than that doppel buddy. My mother shoots me a look as if she can hear me think. I give a sheepish smile and return to my room, exhausted. Its true that if you survive the first attempt, you get away right ?! Right ?! Desperately trying to reason with my self that I would be the doppelganger for my doppelganger and the poor bloke is probably dead by now, for going off to sleep on a building much like myself, I welcome the darkness, this time in the safety of my bed, but not before arranging pillows on all four sides first. We wouldn't want him to get too many chances now would we ?! ;)