Friday, July 20, 2007

Early Bird ??? Yeah right... dodo...

ola ! I'm back... missed me ?! *groans* Ok... ok... no need to be so obvious about it... today I had chemistry class... remember the class that I said I had to rush off to before ?! And guess what... after all that hurrying, speeding and jumping signals, I arrive much exhausted and breathless to an empty class :(( *no, I'm NOT a nerd...* It goes to show that people who actually have the time to come up with stuff like "The Early Bird catches the Worm..." should have their innards examined... either that or these people had the misfortune of coming "early" to class... and trust me... you don't know what coming early to class can do to a person... especially when his first few companions prefer to discuss their term grades... it is torture.... pure and unadultered... after much grumbling and delays, class finally commenced... *no prizes for guessing who was grumbling*... well in this case the early bird turns out to be a dodo... screw it... hey... today's the 20th and tomorrow the new HP book's coming out... but guess what suckers ?! I've already read the end... read it on the 19th...those of you who can stomach the spoilers, please read on... *and no, I'm not a potter fan... je deteste' Harry Potter*

> Harry is a horocrux... its true... no way around it...
> Dumbledore makes another appearence... at King's Cross !!!
> Voldemort doesn't even know about the Deathly Hallows...
> Harry is the "inheritor" of the Hallows *suprised gasps*...
> The Elder Wand and the Cloak are two of the 3 "artifacts"...
> Voldemort dies... Harry has kids... James, Lily and Albus *No suprise*
> Dudly is a Meat-ball with a soft side... *I'm mean... don't hate me... :(( *
> The first chapter's Name is the Dark Lord's Assension...
> Snape and Lily sitting on a tree... k i s s i n g ... its true...

That's it... I'm getting sick of this... anyway... I didn't edit this or anything... typed it right now... (20th)... scouts honor... so don't think I cheated... I had the links to the pages... don't ask me for it now... wait for another 24 hours... it won't kill you... and in the event any of these "predictions" (?) ... er... facts turn out to be a little off... well don't blame me... the pictures weren't the greatest... well... putting that aside... lets get back to my long awaited intro... well... if you've looked at my profile, you'll see that I'm not much of a writer... I prefer writing something decently good once in a while and using the "copy and paste" philosophy so if you visit my orkut profile, don't be surprised at the flippant plagiarism * I luv using these oh-so-big words...* It's 11:45 now and I'm pretty high so don't take what I say too seriously... Anyway... heard of a popular book called "The Series of Unfortunate Events" by L.Snicket ?! Just so you know... that's my biography... an authorised one at that... and no, I'm not being sarcastic or anything... My Life, if you can call it that, is an unfortunate event by itself... damn... its one pot-hole after the next, a constantly decreasing curve *no ups, just downs* ... there I go again... I love welling in self pity... its the only for of pity I get :( *sigh* ok... ok... I'll stop... this is getting too depressing, even for me... *topic changer... ahoy!* I like making videos... you can check out my work at ... that's my you tube ID... some of the videos are pretty good if I should say so myself... modest aren't I ?! You should check out the anime videos that I've put up... and please don't forget to rate... :D anyway, guess I'll be turning in pretty soon, so the Grande finale of the ... er ... "Intro" will have to be later... maybe tomorrow, if I can manage a post... As those jobless dodos say, "Only Time will Tell"...

A New Start...

Hi... I'm blogging after a really really looooong time... hmmm... I wonder why ?! lol... guess I'm just jobless AND I have friends who wouldn't let me live in peace if I didn't... Well actually, I'm pretty happy I'm blogging again... its a really easy way to vent of some frustration... but before I go on about that, I guess an intro is on the cards, so here goes... I'm your not-so-average 16 year old guy who like to ... well... I can't think of anything particular at the moment... it MIGHT be because I have a dumb physics assignment to submit... or rather one that I should've submitted today... but I bunked school !!! Yay ! I know... the thrill of bunking is like no other... especially on D-day... damn... I hate my stupid little brother... every friggin' time I use the comp he feels like chatting... and that too with the friends he just met at school... what a pain *waitaminute... didn't I say I wouldn't start bitching on day 1 ?!... well... that's just me I guess...* the idiot... lets forget about him... shall we ?! Anyway... I have class in fifteen minutes so I guess he'll derive his satisfaction... Well... getting back to my intro *sigh... my mind tends to wander a lot... even th its not old enough to do so...* I know... I know... My jokes are lame... Enter my friends... who think I have no better job than to conceive jokes that are at least decently funny... well sudd off... I'm not actually going to think here people... *as hard as that would be for me* and for those of you who don't know me... sorry for being so "un-explainatory"... you may be a tweeny-weeny l'le bit confused but hey! hang on... its gonna get better *laughing in the background* :-W thank you very much... hey... to all of those who DO happen to have the good-fortune of knowing me... consider yourselves lucky... I won't use too many names here *hopefully* well... anyway... would you look at the time ??? I gotta split... don worry... I'll be back... I hope... considering I'm going 60 on a bike that fails me at 40... wat evr... adios... will try to post once more today...