Hey all you wonderful people out there ! After a long, well-deserved 3 month hiatus, I'm back on my blog to share with you all, my experiences, so far, in college.
For those of you who don't know (as most of you may not), I'm doing a B.Tech degree in EEE. I for one, feel that this field has a lot to offer and hence, I find myself, in a typical engineering college, stuck more-or-less for the next four years of my life. Now, to be fair, I'll give you an un-prejudiced report of the on-goings in our college and I'll leave it up to my readers to decide whether or not my misgivings are unwarranted. Oh yeah.... first things first... Happy Independence day all you Indians out there (I'm one too =D). And another thing.... I haven't mentioned the name of my college yet. I'll let you know right in the end, if you can't already guess by then.
Basically, this is a college rated within the top twenty of all private engineering colleges in India today. Our chancellor is a well known personality, who has a world-wide following, and is an Indian spiritual leader revered as a saint by her followers, who also know her as "Amma", "Ammachi" or "Mother". She is a widely respected humanitarian and is known as "the hugging saint". She addressed the United Nations General Assembly and was recognised as a universal mother figure. As much as I would like to go on and on about her, I can sense your impatience, telling me to get on with it. And so I shall =P
Our college is located in an amazing place, at the foothills of the Western Ghats (or eastern, I'm not really sure which.... not surprising considering my dismal grades in geography, AND the fact that we're more or less surrounded by mountains). The climate is AMAZING and the greenery, awe-inspiring....
All this is really nice.... Great chancellor, great surroundings, great ranking.... so what's my beef ?! What could possible make this situation bad enough for this other-wise seemingly fine college to earn its place in my book of rants and other such what-and-what-not experiences ?! I'll tell you..... The food here sucks. Yes, it does. Trust me. Unbearably so. That's not sooo bad you say, afterall, ALL good things in life come at a price.... Great chancellor, great surroundings, great ranking, bad food.... doens't look too bad to me.... but wait... there's more....
The hostels suck too.... and you say "Aww... pish-tosh.... that's no reason to hate something.... you've got to learn to adjust.." don't deny it.... that's what's going thru your mind right now... right ?!
We aren't allowed out after 7:00... >.>
As much as I hate to admit it.... we're stringently banned from going out after 7:00.... why this magic number ? Simple.... our fairy-god mothers aren't as strong as Cinderellas'... so we turn into pumpkins when the clock strikes 7.... not 12.... As much as we enjoy breaking this rule, sneaking in and out of the hostel as we please, risking living the rest of our lives as pumpkins, lo-and-behold, they pull a double whammy on us and say "Those who're caught can't go out... at all.... not even home..." They have a word for this in English... its "forced captivity".... that is soooo unfair... we who celebrated our 61st anniversary of freedom, are cruelly kept within the pits of hell by the evil, little-children eating, walking dead wardens *shudder* (its true.... they're up 24 x 7..... in the morning, you see them in their office.... during lunch they're at the mess.... after dinner, they take room-wise attendance and at 2:00 a.m. when you go to pee, they're patrolling the corridors.... I mean OMG... O_O when do they SLEEP ?!). Anyway, freaky living-dead people aside, this doesn't seem too bad.... after all.... you can have fun with your friends in the hostel.... BEEP ! Think again friend.... Cards are banned, so are mp3 cell fones, and oh yeah, did I mention ?! So are evil and demented, instruments of the devil, the dreaded ipods ?
Its not as bad as it sounds (actually, it is... I'm just trying to sound brave), after all, that's how life is.... so to all of you who still are fortunate enough to find yourselves in schools, you're real lucky... and those of you who bunked those good old days of school, cursed those joblessly nosey teachers and generally thought school was just a big pain in the ass formality, do what I'm doing, get a good, hard wall and start banging your head against it =P
Anyway.... have fun while you still can... legally.... any fun in college HAS to be done illegally.... even eating eatable food.... sigh... don't even get me started on that.... take care all of you.... until the next time.... cheers ! =)
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Life at College...
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
The Ajay Effect
Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen. Tonight we will be discussing a rather interesting topic. Irrespective of who, where or when, THIS certain something is a given in EVERY household with a fridge. By now some of you may have realised what I'm getting at. For those who, in the general public still find themselves, for some weird reason, clueless, I'll tell you what I'm talking about in just a few moments. Just answers these questions first.
Do you live with your parents or some other relatives ?
Do you have a fridge at home ?
Do you find yourself losing things in your fridge ?
Are there more than 44,363 million different things in your fridge ?
If the answers of all these questions are more or less "yes" (need not be true for the first one :P ) , then you my friend, are experiencing what is being popularised as the "Ajay Effect". This strange effect is very simple to understand once you know how it works. There are just two laws to it:
1) Stuff that needs to go into your fridge is always GREATER than the capacity of your fridge (equal to only in anomalous case i.e. when your friends come to raid it).
2) You will NEVER be able to find what you want before you lose your patience. In the rare case that you do, the item you seek will require you to empty more-or-less an entire row of your fridge. This is a fundamental law and is of no mathematical significance as such.
Well... I hope I helped you sort THAT out.... It is after all a MUST to always remain informed about the things around you, especially when it comes to something important like food. I'm off now. Gonna go and look for some 7up and go high again. Well... that is if I find it first ;)
Billionaire Gone Fishing
"The police of Cornwall have found what has been confirmed to be the clothes of the Billionaire industrialist Charles Wayne. He is suspected to have drowned off the coast and the search is still on for his body. He is survived by..."
The Mythological Mermaids of the Greek Isles are anything but a myth...
Saturday, April 26, 2008
No Guns in Heaven
Friday, April 25, 2008
The Doppelganger Strikes Back !!!
Well.... its like this you see.... Here I was minding my own business walking to the book store to waste some precious time of mine *which I already have loads of* and suddenly, out of the blue, unexpectedly, implausibly.... *well... you get the picture* I see myself wearing the same pale lavender shite and khaki 3/4th that I was wearing yesterday staring at me from the entrance of this huge house.... 'Its just your imagination.', I said to myself. 'You're not going to die. Don't worry. There is no such thing as a Doppelganger'. While I was trying to knock this into my already information un-friendly skull, our man a.k.a me.... er no wait.... him as in me.... if that makes anymore sense... disappeared into... you guessed it... thick air !!! - pollution =) *well... that's what always happens before the "second closer look" doesn't it ?! *
Now, come back.... 10 days later....
Its like 7:30 in the night and I yet again find myself minding my own business, sitting in-front of the computer, NOT looking at the game my brother is playing on the X-Box.... when lo and behold *hold your breath* ... the power goes off.... now for those of you who have trouble imagining a power cut in Chennai, its like sitting inside an oven with the lights off..... 'Wait', you say, 'What's the difference if the lights are on or off in the oven ?' Ah... it makes all the difference... at least when the light is on... you can see what's cooking =P
Well anyway... this is the kinda situation I find myself in... when what I decide to do is, to climb up the terrace in my house. You'd think I would stop at that, enjoy a little non-existent sea breeze but no... uh-huh... not ME.... I had to go and climb up the tank too didn't I.... now the thing with the tank is that there isn't any parapet wall up there.... its a good 35 feet off the ground and its a sheer fall all the way down on two of the four sides.... I stand up there with my hands spread out finally realising why Leanardo De Caprio Enjoyed this so much in the Titanic.... well... anyway, I stand up there, sans Rose and enjoy the twinkling stars above my head and decide 'This is the Best !'. I sit down, and enjoy stretching out, and after a moment's hesitation on lying down with a white shirt, I decide a little stain isn't something my washing machine can't handle, and so I settle myself comfortably on the cold floor... I don't know exactly when... but after enjoying the view of all the stars above my head, *The Tare Zameen Par Song playing over and over in my head* the darkness takes me and I fall asleep.... only to be rudely awaken by none other then my own little brother. I blink twice, resisting the impulse to call him what was in my head at that time. I look around to see one of my hands sticking out at the end of the floor. Whew.... would that have been a painful "Getting up in the wrong side of the bed". On closer observation, I find my mother standing down there, wearing an expression of utmost anger and from the looks of it resisting the impulse to come up here herself and knock me off.... I learn from my oh-so-helpful and not to mention *cough* life-saving *cough* brother that its 9:30 already... Oh-Boy... is this going to be one LOOOONG night.... *sigh* Anyway, after much lashing and thrashing, I manage to somehow crawl away from my mother and her dreadful wrath. Fuming, but still thanking my narrow escape, I said to myself... you're gonna have to try harder than that doppel buddy. My mother shoots me a look as if she can hear me think. I give a sheepish smile and return to my room, exhausted. Its true that if you survive the first attempt, you get away right ?! Right ?! Desperately trying to reason with my self that I would be the doppelganger for my doppelganger and the poor bloke is probably dead by now, for going off to sleep on a building much like myself, I welcome the darkness, this time in the safety of my bed, but not before arranging pillows on all four sides first. We wouldn't want him to get too many chances now would we ?! ;)
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Friday, April 18, 2008
If I were a...
If I were a beginning, I would be : Time
If I were a month, I would be : December
If I were a day of the week, I would be : Friday
If I were a time of day, I would be : Mid-night
If I were a planet, I would be : Mars
If I were a season, I would be : Winter
If I were a sea animal, I would be : Shark
If I were a direction, I would be : East
If I were a piece of furniture, I would be : Bed
If I were a sin, I would be : Wrath
If I were a liquid, I would be : Mercury
If I were a scare, I would be : Lucifer
If I were a gem, I would be : Ruby
If I were a tree, I would be : Oak
If I were a tool, I would be : Hammer
If I were a flower/plant, I would be : Grape Vine
If I were a kind of weather, I would be : A Thunder Storm
If I were a musical instrument, I would be : A Guitar
If I were an animal, I would be : A Lion
If I were an emotion, I would be : Curiosity
If I were a vegetable, I would be : A Cauliflower
If I were a sound, I would be : A Scream
I were an element, I would be : Iron
If I were a car, I would be : A Ferrari
If I were a song, I would be : Boulvard of Broken Dreams
If I were a food, I would be : Ramen
If I were a place, I would be : The Sahara
If I were a material, I would be : Steel Wire
If I were a taste, I would be : Spicy
If I were a scent, I would be : Sandlewood
If I were a religion, I would be : Fought Over
If I were a sentence, I would be : A Moral
If I were a body part, I would be : The Eye
If I were a facial expression, I would be : The Thought
If I were a subject in college, I would be : Calculus
If I were a shape, I would be : Hexagon
If I were a quantity, I would be : A Quantum
If I were a colour, I would be : Red
If I were a thing, I would be : Fire
If I were a landmass, I would be : Antartica
If I were a book, I would be : An Archie
If I were a monument, I would be : The Niagra Falls
If I were an artist, I would be : Leanardo Da Vinci
If I were a collection of poems, I would be : Forgotten
If I were a landscape, I would be : The Grand Canyon
If I were a watch, I would be : Swatch
If I were God, I would be : Strener
If I were a vowel, I would be : A
If I were a consonant, I would be : X
If I were a formula, I would be : F = ma
If I were a Science, I would be : Physics
If I were a theory, I would be : The Chaos Theory
If I were a famous person, I would be : William Sheaksphere
If I were an electronic equipment, I would be : An External Storage Device
If I were sport, I would be : F1
If I were a movie, I would be : The Road to El Derado
If I were a cartoon, I would be : Calvin
If I were an explorer, I would be : Indina Jones
If I were a scientist, I would be : Albert Einstein
If I were a relation, I would be : Functional
If I were a river, I would be : Siene
If I were intoxication, I would be : Red Wine
If I were alone, I would be : At Peace
If I were a question, then I would be : How ?
If I were a hobby, I would be : Origami
If I were a habit, I would be : Chewing Gum
If I were in an atom, I would be : Small ?! =p
If I were an end, I would be : Here...
If I were you, I would be : Doomed
Monday, April 07, 2008
Ten Things You Have To Do With Your Significant Other
I decided to compile a list of ten things you have to do with the person of your dreams...
1) A walk in the rain
2) Go to the movies
3) Have dinner
4) Hug
5) Run a race
6) Feed some pigeons
7) Kiss
8) Go shopping
9) Write poems
10) Talk till the wee hours of the morning

Obviously not in that order... but these are some of the basic must dos... Well... what're you waiting for ?! Go have some fun right now !!!
Saturday, April 05, 2008
The Hight of Highness
Suppose something that was already soooo good... that you can't possibly fathom it getting better.... became a hell of a lot more brilliant ? Well.... that's how I found myself.... extremely dazed and red.... at 9.00 in the night... in a dark and cozy lane with the girl of my dreams..... yay !! Life has finally taken an upward turn ::drinks to all of your health and well-being:: I'm in a great mood.... so go ahead.... ask me for anything.... and I'll grant it if its within my power *note: offer valid till stocks last. Terms and conditions apply. Product available without this offer as well* lol... I just HAD to say that :P so.... looks like somebody up there and down here as well loves me *yipee*.... for those of you who are unfamiliar with the term highness or have general confusion in attaining exceeding states of downright unreasonable happiness or joy... THIS is HIGHNESSSSSS....... or... in plain English... I'm high.... and that's that..... g'day.... g'bye... sweet dreams.......... take care.... I'll catch you all later.... and I for one am ONE lucky guy !! :P
Status Update
Hi all.... It's been a while hasn't it ?! Almost a month since the last post... Well... considering March was a massive pain in the back-side all the way from 1st thru 31st... it isn't surprising if you see other misbegotten souls much like myself taking it easy during this time.... nothing much... just doing some light reading from Resnick and Halliday or Morsen and Boyd or attending 6 straight HOURS of class or the like... like I said before... nothing strenuous.... just the kinda stuff ANY 16-18 year old has to do to "make" it BIG in life... sigh... gimme a break.... we all have to go thru with it but we ALL hate it ... irrespective of the age of the individual/party in question, so why not abolish it already ? Instead of commenting on the "Evils of Staying-up and Studying" or "Not Putting Effort when/where its most needed", someone should have the bright idea of commenting on "The Evils of Our Education System" or maybe on "When to Drop out of School" :P well... that certainly would be MOST welcomed.... I mean c'mon ! Its insane to pack off what people spend WHOLE life-times with, in just one friggin' year... I mean don't we get a say on what we want to DO and what we DON'T ?! No fair... I can decide for my self..... I'm legal already.... *well, almost legal anyway* and besides, by the time you read this I'm probably legal, a father of two and not to mention dead already ~~ *please read this again like 80-90 years from now so that I'm not wrong* Well... anyways... the much dreaded BOARDS are over.... cet fini *excuse my french* Hastallavista Baby :P and then its all gone............ and lo and behold ! What unfathomable evil rears it's head instead ?! The much dreaded ENTRANCES *deja vu ?!*
From the frying pan into the fire literally.... and with god knows what all rumors about the patterns in various "MOST-IMPORTANT EXAM IN YOUR LIFE" exams, we're in much more need of de-stressers then the likes of Bull-Ring fighters a.k.a Matadors... Well I don't know about you but I'm gonna rustle (pun unintended) up some HAM burgers sans ham of course (of course.... I'm a vegetarian.... go green ! - PeTA *sorry bout that.... damn commercials are taking up my time here too* ) and get all the rest I can.... I'll be back, so be in time for some more ranting....... cheers :)
P.S. The Story "Lips of an Angel" Part II is complete... here's the link for those who are too lazy to scroll : http://thebookofthedamned.blogspot.com/2007/08/lips-of-angel-part-ii-sorrow.html
P.P.S. If you DON'T understand what I'm talking about, scroll *yes dammit... I know its work but just do it* down and read the first part first.... *like d-uh*...
Monday, February 04, 2008
Back to Square Root of twenty minus five into four
I had an accident near the beach (what a start...)
I was banned from using the bike for a month (Noooooo..... My precious !!! )
I had a really really big fight with a certain somebody (>:P)
I haven't eaten a franky in eons (damn petrol prices)
The carnival was a big ficaso (I was having LOAAAADSSSS of fun sitting in the computer lab and doing my project -bleh-)
No more hospital visits for me (Yay !! Yay !!)
My dad came from the U.S. (and left almost instantaneously)
I (read as my brother) got a new X-Box (Its still in the isolation ward)
I flunked my ass off in physics (sigh....)
I got high on 7up (no suprise)
And I have a friggin' board practical tomorrow !!! (OMFG.... I gotta go and study.... )
So anyway... you guys haven't missed much.... that's about it I guess.... unless you wanna talk about blowing up the kitchen or making chemical no; 456 (Vinigar + NaHCO3 + Coconut Water + Food Powder +blah blah... or about the big break up or the return to the unknown or the or the.... ahhhhhhh.... what ever.... byee all.... I'll be back ... I hope