Saturday, April 05, 2008

Status Update

Hi all.... It's been a while hasn't it ?! Almost a month since the last post... Well... considering March was a massive pain in the back-side all the way from 1st thru 31st... it isn't surprising if you see other misbegotten souls much like myself taking it easy during this time.... nothing much... just doing some light reading from Resnick and Halliday or Morsen and Boyd or attending 6 straight HOURS of class or the like... like I said before... nothing strenuous.... just the kinda stuff ANY 16-18 year old has to do to "make" it BIG in life... sigh... gimme a break.... we all have to go thru with it but we ALL hate it ... irrespective of the age of the individual/party in question, so why not abolish it already ? Instead of commenting on the "Evils of Staying-up and Studying" or "Not Putting Effort when/where its most needed", someone should have the bright idea of commenting on "The Evils of Our Education System" or maybe on "When to Drop out of School" :P well... that certainly would be MOST welcomed.... I mean c'mon ! Its insane to pack off what people spend WHOLE life-times with, in just one friggin' year... I mean don't we get a say on what we want to DO and what we DON'T ?! No fair... I can decide for my self..... I'm legal already.... *well, almost legal anyway* and besides, by the time you read this I'm probably legal, a father of two and not to mention dead already ~~ *please read this again like 80-90 years from now so that I'm not wrong* Well... anyways... the much dreaded BOARDS are over.... cet fini *excuse my french* Hastallavista Baby :P and then its all gone............ and lo and behold ! What unfathomable evil rears it's head instead ?! The much dreaded ENTRANCES *deja vu ?!*
From the frying pan into the fire literally.... and with god knows what all rumors about the patterns in various "MOST-IMPORTANT EXAM IN YOUR LIFE" exams, we're in much more need of de-stressers then the likes of Bull-Ring fighters a.k.a Matadors... Well I don't know about you but I'm gonna rustle (pun unintended) up some HAM burgers sans ham of course (of course.... I'm a vegetarian.... go green ! - PeTA *sorry bout that.... damn commercials are taking up my time here too* ) and get all the rest I can.... I'll be back, so be in time for some more ranting....... cheers :)

P.S. The Story "Lips of an Angel" Part II is complete... here's the link for those who are too lazy to scroll :

P.P.S. If you DON'T understand what I'm talking about, scroll *yes dammit... I know its work but just do it* down and read the first part first.... *like d-uh*...

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