Saturday, April 19, 2008

A Damn Cute Video

So damn sweeeet ><


Tina said...

ok to start off...Y did u chose a name like lucifer...tryin to be all spooky or r u like this???!!!

And the video is beautiful....This is the ringtone of many ppl i have met...the girl is a true profesional at 3 years..


Comfortably Numb said...

Yea man..been through it long before.. :)
And yeah Shes a true professional...Wonder whats she doing these days.... lol


J said...

@ Tee

well... that's cause the tone of the blog rapidly changes from the begining to the middle and finally in the end.... kinda like welcome to my life ^^

@ numb

I jus had to put it up....

ArUn raFi said...

somebody is in love for sure..that was pretty evident in your posts..honest high all the time..have a blast..

J said...

@ arun

Thank Ya dude !!! =D

Manasa. K .Kumar said...

awww. i love this lill song.

we keep trying to imitate that kid (whos no more a kid, shes really old now , must be 30s i heard) and fail miserably.