Thursday, July 26, 2007

My God... My Tourniquet...

Sometimes it seems that life is just not worth living *because of some people* while at other times I treasure life *because of some others*... Unable to vent any frustration over the last few days, I've come up with a plan... to devise a "Death Note" in which I enter the name *maybe not names... just a description would suffice...* of the person I want to knock off... don't worry... its not real... just another blog where the people who annoy me will feature...

"Disclaimer: Any similarity to a person or event is purely intentional and on purpose. If in the event of the actual demise of a chosen person or persons, the writer will be in no way held responsible"
Well... I'm glad that's out of the way... now all I need to decide is if I really will put this plan into action... it is not meant to hurt or insult anyone... just one other of of the 44,636 million ways to vent out some frustration... Anyway... putting that aside... its been a long time since I last posted... I've been insanely busy... all my teachers are out to screw me... with the amount of work load I have, I should be finished by 30th of July... 2010 :( damn... I'm never going to be able to finish... and sitting here is definitely not helping... the only bright side is this helps me decide who gets top placement in my proposed death note *conscience still battling it out...* And to add to my miseries, our culturals are around the corner *whoopee.... more work !!!* anyway, you get the idea... so I guess I should get going now... start working on all that "paper work" :P ... as Mark Day would say... Catch you next time... Cheers !!!


Manasa. K .Kumar said...

wish i knew who was first on ur death list ..cuz for mine -im not able to single out one ..there r too many !

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, a Death Note?!? =o
Even though I love the show, I never thought of that.
Hmm... I must go make one!