Monday, July 23, 2007

Friendship ?! Yeah right...

Ok... I'm officially pissed... what's all this best-friend crap going around ?! One day we're inseparable and the next we're like oil and water... I mean... people c'mon... it can't be like this... Is that all its worth... one day we go out together and the next we're cold and cynical to each other ?! What ever happened to the milk of friendship ?! The joy of love ?! Compassion and sensitivity seem to be of the bygone eras... Its officially time to review your friendship status... You share the best times of your life with your friends... life's too damn short to hold grudges... forgive and forget *not your friend btw... ~.~" * learn to make compromise... if we as friends can't make compromises then who the f*ck will make compromises for us when we go out into the world ?! A friend in need is a friend indeed... a friend who doesn't need you is still a friend btw... Give your friends their space... don't be over baring and commanding... don't show off... we're your friends... you can show us your bad side too you know... don't bit*h about us behind our backs... its not very nice... the key word in friendship is *drum roll* sensitivity... don't lose your close friends 'cause of some stupid argument that both of you can't recall... like I said before... life's too short... It is by far a better thing to gain a friend rather than to lose one
*like d-uh ...obviously* It's a small world after all... the more friends to help you get along, the better off you are... *hmmm... I'm being pretty high and mighty ain't I ?!* sorry.. I'm pretty sad at the way things are right now... there's no time left... you're obviously thinking of somebody at this time... go make up with that person right now... trust me... you'll appreciate this... Peace...


Anonymous said...

The sweet milk of friendship has curdeled...

Anonymous said...

Wow...i really was thinking about my pal. And what's with the "life's too short" stuff? You scared of death?

~random person~

lucifer said...

not seared.... just apprehensive *spelled s c a r e d* ... lol... no time for grudges... tho I really wish I could take my own advice...