Saturday, August 16, 2008

Life at College...

Hey all you wonderful people out there ! After a long, well-deserved 3 month hiatus, I'm back on my blog to share with you all, my experiences, so far, in college.
For those of you who don't know (as most of you may not), I'm doing a B.Tech degree in EEE. I for one, feel that this field has a lot to offer and hence, I find myself, in a typical engineering college, stuck more-or-less for the next four years of my life. Now, to be fair, I'll give you an un-prejudiced report of the on-goings in our college and I'll leave it up to my readers to decide whether or not my misgivings are unwarranted. Oh yeah.... first things first... Happy Independence day all you Indians out there (I'm one too =D). And another thing.... I haven't mentioned the name of my college yet. I'll let you know right in the end, if you can't already guess by then.
Basically, this is a college rated within the top twenty of all private engineering colleges in India today. Our chancellor is a well known personality, who has a world-wide following, and is an Indian spiritual leader revered as a saint by her followers, who also know her as "Amma", "Ammachi" or "Mother". She is a widely respected humanitarian and is known as "the hugging saint". She addressed the United Nations General Assembly and was recognised as a universal mother figure. As much as I would like to go on and on about her, I can sense your impatience, telling me to get on with it. And so I shall =P
Our college is located in an amazing place, at the foothills of the Western Ghats (or eastern, I'm not really sure which.... not surprising considering my dismal grades in geography, AND the fact that we're more or less surrounded by mountains). The climate is AMAZING and the greenery, awe-inspiring....

All this is really nice.... Great chancellor, great surroundings, great ranking.... so what's my beef ?! What could possible make this situation bad enough for this other-wise seemingly fine college to earn its place in my book of rants and other such what-and-what-not experiences ?! I'll tell you..... The food here sucks. Yes, it does. Trust me. Unbearably so. That's not sooo bad you say, afterall, ALL good things in life come at a price.... Great chancellor, great surroundings, great ranking, bad food.... doens't look too bad to me.... but wait... there's more....
The hostels suck too.... and you say "Aww... pish-tosh.... that's no reason to hate something.... you've got to learn to adjust.." don't deny it.... that's what's going thru your mind right now... right ?!

We aren't allowed out after 7:00... >.>

As much as I hate to admit it.... we're stringently banned from going out after 7:00.... why this magic number ? Simple.... our fairy-god mothers aren't as strong as Cinderellas'... so we turn into pumpkins when the clock strikes 7.... not 12.... As much as we enjoy breaking this rule, sneaking in and out of the hostel as we please, risking living the rest of our lives as pumpkins, lo-and-behold, they pull a double whammy on us and say "Those who're caught can't go out... at all.... not even home..." They have a word for this in English... its "forced captivity".... that is soooo unfair... we who celebrated our 61st anniversary of freedom, are cruelly kept within the pits of hell by the evil, little-children eating, walking dead wardens *shudder* (its true.... they're up 24 x 7..... in the morning, you see them in their office.... during lunch they're at the mess.... after dinner, they take room-wise attendance and at 2:00 a.m. when you go to pee, they're patrolling the corridors.... I mean OMG... O_O when do they SLEEP ?!). Anyway, freaky living-dead people aside, this doesn't seem too bad.... after all.... you can have fun with your friends in the hostel.... BEEP ! Think again friend.... Cards are banned, so are mp3 cell fones, and oh yeah, did I mention ?! So are evil and demented, instruments of the devil, the dreaded ipods ?
Its not as bad as it sounds (actually, it is... I'm just trying to sound brave), after all, that's how life is.... so to all of you who still are fortunate enough to find yourselves in schools, you're real lucky... and those of you who bunked those good old days of school, cursed those joblessly nosey teachers and generally thought school was just a big pain in the ass formality, do what I'm doing, get a good, hard wall and start banging your head against it =P

Anyway.... have fun while you still can... legally.... any fun in college HAS to be done illegally.... even eating eatable food.... sigh... don't even get me started on that.... take care all of you.... until the next time.... cheers ! =)


Manasa. K .Kumar said...


Maybe maybe maybe MAYBE, ill just stop cribbing about my teacher :P not. hey i know ur having a shitty time there and all, but um uve not been to dav. anyway..let me not get started about my woes.

lol whos this mother figure anyway ? you didnt mention in the end. you must love her so . :P:P

J said...

I soooo do not.... run it on wikipedia... you'll know >.>

zombie_princess said...

lol! hey!! remember me? :P nice post!!

TCPC said...

read a few of your rants and fictions - the drowning millionaire, about your college, about the doppleganger effect, the novel ajay effect......

You manage a good flow of words. The fiction - was predictable but the narration was good. A little too much about his wealth but guess it is required. After all, rich poor - none have escaped destiny's play,fair or foul!! :)

Keep blogging..away to glory!! :)


J said...

@akila chitti: Ah... Nice to see you here =)

@ranter: =P how could I forget ?!