Monday, April 28, 2008

The Ajay Effect

Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen. Tonight we will be discussing a rather interesting topic. Irrespective of who, where or when, THIS certain something is a given in EVERY household with a fridge. By now some of you may have realised what I'm getting at. For those who, in the general public still find themselves, for some weird reason, clueless, I'll tell you what I'm talking about in just a few moments. Just answers these questions first.

Do you live with your parents or some other relatives ?

Do you have a fridge at home ?

Do you find yourself losing things in your fridge ?

Are there more than 44,363 million different things in your fridge ?

If the answers of all these questions are more or less "yes" (need not be true for the first one :P ) , then you my friend, are experiencing what is being popularised as the "Ajay Effect". This strange effect is very simple to understand once you know how it works. There are just two laws to it:

1) Stuff that needs to go into your fridge is always GREATER than the capacity of your fridge (equal to only in anomalous case i.e. when your friends come to raid it).

2) You will NEVER be able to find what you want before you lose your patience. In the rare case that you do, the item you seek will require you to empty more-or-less an entire row of your fridge. This is a fundamental law and is of no mathematical significance as such.

Well... I hope I helped you sort THAT out.... It is after all a MUST to always remain informed about the things around you, especially when it comes to something important like food. I'm off now. Gonna go and look for some 7up and go high again. Well... that is if I find it first ;)


Setu said...

lol.. nice law; all the best with the 7up.

I like your template.

lucifer said...

I found it I found it !! Yay Me !!! =P

abhaymittal said...

hehehe.....quite an unusual law...wellalmost alllaws are unusual...cheers!!
i had a gud laugh

J said...

we thank your patronage ::bows::

Emoxaph said...

nice law dude...

neone can relate to it! shucks happens wid me A LOT! dats why im usually late for my classes

J said...

lol.... aren't we`all ?! /:)

Comfortably Numb said...

LOL...Nice..It happens a lot..and yes a lot..Nice observations and a nice write up..Cheers:)

CRD said...

haha..really funny.whats really amusing is that its true :P

in my case its true for another cupboard :Pi have to empty out the whole damn "Cupboard Universe" to find my things

J said...

Interesting... The Universe, life and the wardrobe :P

Nefariousoutlook said...

so true man!!! seriously and this effect is more prominent if the answer to the first question is no

Anonymous said...

Hi ,

I was reading ur blog posts and found some of them to be wow.. u write well.. Why don't you popularize it more.. ur posts on ur blog ‘The Book of the Damned’ took my particular attention as some of them are interesting topics of mine too;

BTW I help out some ex-IIMA guys who with another batch mate run where you can post links to your most loved blog-posts. Rambhai was the chaiwala at IIMA and it is a site where users can themselves share links to blog posts etc and other can find and vote on them. The best make it to the homepage!

This way you can reach out to rambhai readers some of whom could become your ardent fans.. who knows.. :)


Manasa. K .Kumar said...

Lol, but why you naming ht e law after yourself? your brainchild huh?
anyway good one. i always end up losing my temper while finding something in this gargantuan maze of things in my fridge..!

J said...

I don't blame you.... >.< It happens to the best of us =P