Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Screaming Whispers

We were Strangers on a Crazy Adventure
I respected what you did to my heart
But now here we stand, miles apart
What ever happened to us...

This isn't the way it should be
It hurts me a lot, can't you see
I know I'm the one who said to all
But it still hurts, I wish you would call

I'll be there when the world stops turning...
I'll be there to see it through
In the end I wanna be with you... Everyday
Forever and ever...

So don't forget me ever...
I'll be back for you...
I swear... you'll never be alone...
Good bye... I miss you so...

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Lips of an Angel Part II: Sorrow

He nestled between the covers she had brought him. He looked up into the sky once more, having the familiar feeling that someone was watching. For the first time in a while, he felt truly safe. She had come and handed him sheets before, talking about herself but never waiting for a response. He liked her. She was cheerful and had a lot to talk about. He'd learnt that her mother had died when she was young, and her father took care of her now. He was not very kind to her. He made her work all day long and never appreciated her. He knew her father was one person he'd rather avoid. He shuddered at the thought of what might happen to her if her father found out he was here. He heard something in the darkness and looked outside. It was pitch dark already and the moon beams were casting strange shadows upon the trees surrounding the inn. He thought he saw something move and shuddered and pulled the covers over his face. "What's the matter ?", she asked. "Are you afraid of the dark too ?". He looked out from under the covers and gave her a small nod, saying Yes. "Well, don't worry, I'm sleeping in the next room and besides, I'll leave this kerosene lamp here but just make sure you don't let the sheets catch fire", she remarked with a grin. He said nothing and once again pulled the covers back over his face. She sighed and left the room, closing the door behind her.

He woke up early next morning to see the sun shining brightly upon his face. He got up to re-orient himself with his surroundings and walked up to the small pitcher kept in the corner. Washing his face and taking a large gulp of the fresh water, he set about washing the blood stains from his hands. He opened the door and walked down the stairs up to where the strewn bodies of the girl and her father lay. 'Foolish girl', he thought to himself, picked up the bag of coins in the inn keeper's belt pouch and open the front door.

One did not entertain the Devil himself into one's house without suffering the consequences.


Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Lips of an Angel Part I: The Beginning

Once upon a time... in a far away land, where the sun never shined and the nights were always bitterly cold, there lived a boy named Joshen... The people of this land were feed up with their miseries and prayed to god to save them... they prayed night and day and finally, after long last, the almighty stood before them in all his brilliance. "What is it you wish ? Speak", he said in a loud voice. "We all wish for eternal happiness", replied one stout hearted person. "So be it", said the god and vanished. The people were elated. They felt uncontainable happiness burst out from their hearts. They were all happy.

Joshen sat on the floor and held his head in his arms. He was lonely... and sad, for he was not present when all the other people received their happiness from the lord. The people bounded past him, some hopping, others skipping... but none took a second look at poor Joshen. He was all alone. He felt darkness coming and welcomed it willingly.

He dreamt about a rose, budding and blooming to its full glory before withering and dying. "Wake up! Why are you sad ?", he heard a voice say in his dreams. He slowly opened his eyes and saw standing before him, a girl of extraordinary beauty. She was smiling at him sweetly. "Why are you so sad ?", she repeated. Joshen gave a start and jumped up to his feet as if he were being stung by a summer's bee. Startled, the girl backed away, looking at Joshen warily. She seem to be deciding something, for a moment later, she tentatively crept back towards him. "Don't cry", she said in a low whisper, "It'll be ok", she promised. Joshen realised he must have cried himself to sleep again and hastily wiped away the remnants of yesterday nights tears. "Here, come with me", said the girl, holding out her hand. Joshen looked at her hand and then back at his own dirty ones. She grabbed his hand and started to pull him towards the local inn. "My father's the inn keeper. I'm sure he'll have something for you to eat". Joshen, on hearing this violently shook his head and started to tug against the girl's hand. The inn keeper didn't like him very much. She puled harder, indicating towards the inn. With a resigned sigh of defeat, Joshen stood up and cautiously made his way along the narrow, winding path.

The girl quietly entered through the back door, eased the bolt and motioned Joshen to follow her cautiously. She led him up the stairs, into the attic, to a small bed beside a window that overlooked the yard. "You must be hungry, stay here, I'll get something to eat". Before he could say a word, the kind girl was gone. He looked around at the interesting attic and slowly lowered himself onto the old moth-worn bed. Outside the window, he could see the stars twinkling merrily at him, as if they were sharing a joke at his suspense. He shook his head, trying to clear it. She waked back inside and sat beside him quietly. He recognised her more from her perfume than her physical presence. She smelled like dew in spring. "Here, have some bread". she offered. He gratefully took one piece and began to chew on it. "You haven't told me anything about yourself. My name is Carol . What's yours ?!". He looked up and sighed. She stared at him, and looked away "Ok, its upto you. I won't force you to if you don't want to". He sighed and continued to eat the bread. "I'll be right back", she said and got up to leave. 'Wait', he pleaded in his mind, grabbing her arm, 'I'm sorry...', he tried to tell her. She looked at him for a moment. "Thats ok", she smiled and left the room.

Saturday, August 18, 2007


She's Contagious... She's Rebellious
She's the one... the one they all talk about...

From the Darkness she came one day
Sent from heaven... just to make me pay...

Clocked in a shadow... an aura of mystery
And I said "hi", the rest was history...

The gods above... they smiled in glee...
finally Lucifer's trapped... now let's see...

And thus, she christened him "jb"... his fate, sealed
It is such that he shall never be healed...

Forever... alone in a crowd...
Remembered...Yet never to be found...

For the last time... please
Don't leave me...

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Shopping Maul

"Hey, dude, Put it there. Gimme a five man. By the looks of you I can see you're a mall brat, just like me". These days everyone seems to be a mall brat. Everyone, that is, who's between 12 and 24. That's IQ, not years. Mall brats spend the whole day hanging around shopping malls... doing what... ?! Why... like d-uh..."Window Shopping of course"... which is such a "pane" *pun un-intended* for all those poor, misbegotten shopkeepers... I'm not complaining... *not yet at least*.. but shouldn't there be something for the shopkeeper to look forward to after pulling out every single frigging box or dress in the store... other than having to stack it up again ?! And we complain about poor service... lol... Imagine having to make a mess... AND cleaning it up after you... now that sucks... big time... No sane man would want to do it over and over again... reminds me of something I read once... "Cleaning the house while the kids are growing is like shoveling snow while its still snowing"... more like stacking boxes after the mall-brats wreck havoc is like facing an avalanche with a toothpick ~.~ ... anyway... guess I'll leave that issue for you to think about... and oh.. I'm dead sure that you most certainly will... cause there's a mall brat in all of us just waiting to come out... the day this happens, all hell will break lose... literally.. Its been eons since I last posted... *not that anybody cares T.T * ... I decided to scrap the death note idea... due to uh... popular "resentment"... I won't be able to post too often anymore... so leave your comments...