Saturday, July 21, 2007

Short-cut to Stardumb ?!

Here I am... sitting joblessly in front of my comp and eating ice cream *mom would kill me if she knew* ... and I start to think... how do I get more people to read my posts ?! I mean... there is a reason I blog... and that's to get something across... open your eyes and peer into the mysteries of the world... what ever... so, getting back to what I was saying... every time I send somebody the address link... especially those who need to "infer" something from these posts of mine... I encounter a standard reply "Wtf is this ?" ... OMG.... look closely... what does it look like ?! Santa's bad list or maybe a birthday invitation ?! It's a friggin blog... and it would be much appreciated if you would actually read thru it and get the message... shit... :(( I just broke the glass door of my cupboard... damn... I'm so clumsy... *don't ask*... Am not even in a mood to continue posting... just finished clearing up the mess... well.. anyway... I guess this will be a short post... I didn't even get to the stardumb part but I guess that can't be helped... you'll never know what I was gonna say about it and this is gonna haunt you for the rest of your lives and you'll be turning in your graves thinking about what you'll never ever find out... Wtf is stardumb ???


Manasa. K .Kumar said...


hereby, i , manasa k kumar , promise you that i shall comment (for the good or bad i do not know !!) on every bloody post you post ..

good enough ?cuz dude i know exactly how you feel, my blog also doesnt it when it goes unheard ..

mad maniac on the run

Anonymous said...

My mom hates when I eat at the computer too. XD But that doesn't stop me, muahaha!

Ok, I'm done.

And I find your blog interesting, at least it isn't full with annoying bs like some people of how dreadful their lives are...
